Health is individual
To me, health means feeling good in your body, being yourself, remaining true to yourself, following your desires and standing up for your needs. In short: being centered and grounded in yourself.
To me, health means feeling good in your body, being yourself, remaining true to yourself, following your desires and standing up for your needs. In short: being centered and grounded in yourself.
I am eager to help people discover how they fell out of balance and why a symptom or disease was able to develop. Together we find ways to regain this lost balance. And because health is so comprehensive and individual, each person has to walk their own personal path towards recovery or maintaining their health. Doctors and therapists are only signposts or companions.
The health of each individual is as individual as each person.
Watch your thoughts, for they become your words.
Watch your words, for they become your actions.
Watch your habits, for they become your character.
Watch your character, because it becomes your destiny.
Quote from a wise person – no original source has ever been isolated according to Wikiquotes